the hands that feed you
when the oat flour is this fine it fits into the grooves of my print
it reminds me of all the instruments of love these hands have created over the 37 years they've been in existence
it's always kind of visceral putting my hands into oat powder
reminds me of the handprints on the caves in Lascaux-- to leave our mark on the world in the most primal of ways
Monica was here! 🖐
we hit 10 years this year, by the way
got me thinking about the transactional relationships we all have with each other-- hand to hand
whether that transaction is through money, goods, services, time, emotion, attention, space doesn't much matter
but every time you purchase from us you are helping to feed our business and our lives
four of us: me, Bea, Brandon, and Happy Belly
every dollar spent and received is not without the work that went behind it
on your end and ours
you could choose to spend your time/money/attention elsewhere, but you choose us and we feel that deeply
our devotion to this business is something of a guiding light-- a beacon
Happy Belly was gestated and birthed by me, but raised by ALL of us
glad to be part of whatever this sweet beast has and will become
and glad to know that THIS TYPE OF RELATIONSHIP matters the most right now (in this capitalistic hellscape)-- this is really understanding where your food comes from in a much more tangible way than we've ever talked about
so let's keep putting all of our best into her and she'll keep feeding us for years to come
might be talking about myself right now instead of HB, butttt whatever 🤣✌