my sweet dad

Happy Birthday to my sweet Dad ❤ been feeling him a lot over the past couple weeks, he's been doing important work on the other side

It's really amazing how relationships evolve even after someone has been gone for almost 13 years

Real magic 🧚‍♀️

I never cared much for making him proud when I was younger-- he always encouraged me to figure out who I was instead of really striving for perfection

He would be the first to claim he was a fuck up and he fucked up. But he wanted something more for me without putting a ton of pressure on my young shoulders

Now that I'm older and I do care

I hope that he sees who I've become. I hope he knows that he has been a part of the change. I hope he's proud. Couldn't have done any of this without him guiding me from the sidelines

Sometimes I feel him sitting shotgun while I'm driving and listening to some of our favorite music: AC⚡DC, Zeppelin, Heart, Rage Against the Machine

Those memories are so entwined in my DNA

The songs will always be the ones we listened to together driving in his growling black Dodge diesel with the music blasting and the windows down-- hands floating in the wind and feeling like complete badasses

And just like that I let the memories and songs take me to a place so familiar its protective and so much MY DAD