The lengths I will go to for clean and delicious spring water: 25+ gallons filled my trunk and this jar and my memory bank💧
One of my favorite growing up memories was getting spring water with my dad. It was a very mysterious process to me, I must have been really really young. I remember it blowispringng my mind that you could pull off the side of the road, fill some jugs, and bring it home with you. I guess I always thought drinkable water came from a faucet 🤷♀️ This one ranks up there with: just driving around in his truck to see where the roads went ⛰ pulling apples in various stages of ripeness off the trees at the family fruit farm, shining them on his flannel, tossing them to me to try, and spitting out the super bitter ones 🍎🍏 always buying me old timey candy sticks (root beer and watermelon are still my favorite!) 🍺🍉 having my favorite Polar sodas when I would come to visit (the sarsaparilla and birch were also mindblowing, so unique to my kid brain that the flavor is etched in there, and you could NEVER find them anywhere except Robin's in New Paltz!) 😎 and feeling super badass when we would roll down the windows and blast AC/DC's Back In Black⚡
The memories are really really far back there but they are very very cherished. Especially now since my dad is gone and Bea is here. These moments feel like things I want to pass on to her. Little sweet memories of our time together when we aren't together.
grabbing a glass at our local spring