resting with the plants

trimmed zinnias for blood orange fudge tarts 😍 just wanted to let everyone know that we will be slowly letting go of the grind and simply resting with the plants 🤣

More seriously, it's time to announce that Happy Belly is going through a major shift. Makes sense given our newest news 🤰 but we will be slowing production down to something a bit more manageable for a growing mama

Yesterday Brandon said "creation over creativity" and I couldn't agree more

To keep this show going and still have time to care for our family, we'll have to be open to adjustments

This means, as our customers, you will too ❤

What will this look like?

We'll be a little more inconsistent with what we bring to markets

We may not have the widest variety each week (you're good with the 24 separate types of baked goods, we promise 😉🤣)

We'll most likely not be taking special requests or doing holiday orders

I may not always be able to wake up at 4am to make you guys doughnuts

I'm sure the list will grow while I grow

We may lose a few of you and that is something we are okay with. We totally get that some customers rely on the steady consistency each week and us needing to be flaky for the next year is off-putting. We'll be sad to see you go

And just so we're clear, this is a two person operation-- just me and Brandon (Bea does love stickering though!)

We are baking out of our home kitchen. We don't have a crew or the space to keep this going full-boar 110% like we have for the past 3 years

A couple months ago we had to make a decision to either REALLY grow the business or pull back. We decided to pull back. And then I found out baby was on the way

We're looking at this as the right decision because without making space we know a baby wouldn't have come through

So after many years of choosing business, we're choosing family

We hope you get it ❤❤ and we love that you guys are alongside the ride 🎢