buried in this post is a message

topped toasts with cinnamon raisin pumpkin bread, almond butter, roasted red grapes, granola, pomegranate, pepitas, almond 😍

buried in this post is a message for all of you out there who are having a tough time with tightening up of restrictions 👌 I'm with you and I'm really tired of pretending that I'm okay with what's happening

I'm also really tired of being a "good girl" and hoping that expressing my opinions won't lead to the end of the business because some people disagree and some people boycott

I've always been a bit anarchist and this is how it's expressing itself these days-- restriction is not freedom

Anyone trying to feed that to you is intentionally poisoning you

This craziness will end once we demand it ends

I've read study after study about the cognitive/behavioral declines in children over this time of restriction. It's heartbreaking what policy has done in the name of science

And we're not pulling back. Not saying enough is enough. Not saying it was a mistake

I saw a video of elementary school kids not much older than Bea forced to sit on 5 gallon buckets, eating their lunches outside, with 6ft between them to protect them. How is that protection? How is that anything but harm?

It's easy for me to understand and empathize with children, but what is this really doing to us?

Why do we think that we're any different?

Why do we think we can handle more?

I sat in a meeting today with members of the Hudson Farmers Market. We're masked up again and all eyes. I thought about the years of expressions I've seen on the faces around me and how difficult it must be for children to build experience and negotiate faces right now

I only see this as the collateral damage of tyrants anymore

I have a ton to say, really

But totally scared about any backlash or blame or bullshit

And, as a sidebar, because I've been a bit vocal about this I've found customers of ours who have been sharing their injury experiences and diagnoses. Hemorrhage, vertigo, hair loss, nerve damage, + more

Feels like I'm being called to not ignore what I'm seeing anymore and bone-up on what "gaslighting" truly means

Note to self: stop thinking the state is your friend 👌
