this is us
this is our family
this is our legacy
the violence that has been coming to light against all Asian Americans is violence against us
we were all taught that this country is safe
it has never been
maybe it was a trauma response anyway-- a way for the marginalized to convince ourselves that if we assimilate enough we will be enough
nothing protects us when our grandmothers and grandfathers are being beaten and killed in the streets with no recourse
these are our mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunties, uncles, cousins
this is our blood
this is their sacrifice
our Por Por was the only child to survive a Japanese bombing of her school when she was living in Guangzhou
she was buried in the rubble overnight before being rescued
she was encouraged to come here for safety-- that meant leaving her home, her mother, her roots
we all thought here was better
here is not good enough
and raising the next generation of our family firmly planted in this understanding is our new legacy
our children are not safe until everyone of us is safe