Happy Mother's Day = finding rhythm in the eternal dance of it all 😜
Being a human means constantly moving between these truths 🖕❤ especially raising kids and being a mother
This whole thing does not come naturally to me
I feel like a caged animal most days
The role of "mother" is something that still feels like it doesn't quite fit. The pressure is really hard. I hate the expectations
But I'm trying
And also rejecting a lot of it
And reframing the role for myself while trying not to shame-spiral
Maybe just taking a step back, seeing where I sit in the whole experience, and accepting that I'm not the mother I thought I was going to be is all a better way to lead
And, inherently, THAT is all okay. That's probably what all Mothers (all humans/birthers of anything) go through. I don't know
I do know that the easiest thing is the love I have for Bea and for Callum. Unending and undying, even in the face of death
Admittedly, mothering while grieving the loss of my kid is something I NEVER thought would happen. I can't help but think that my experience with losing Callum and raising Bea has helped me see how nuanced this entire journey is
It's BOTH the highs and the lows AND all the spaces in between
The dance between the fucks of life and the loves of life
Anyway, not my most elegant 🤷♀️ but motherhood has taught me to accept the messiness 😝 still learning and cleaning poop butts in the process