baby bird, we gotchu

while so many want simple I'm choosing something else

may life forever be celebrated for it's complicated involutions and fractaled neverending-ness

the push and pull of it all

forever teetering on the brink of something fantastic if we just choose to let go

if we choose to believe that confusion and lucidity bring us to the same source (truth), we walk a much more interesting path

stepping forward by seeing and making sense of the multiverse that exists within each of us and that we exist within brings us to nothingness and everything

each of us equal in our humanity 🤝

stop trying to make things easier

stop trying to make things palatable

black and white misses ALLLLLL OF THIS

trust the expansiveness of your mind (heart soul spirit)

trust that it will catch up once you make the choice to step forward

our survival is rooted in our opportunism, our curiosity, our boundary pushing, our skepticism

let contradictory things live side by side and settle into the tension

listen to the story spoken between opposites, understand that there is truth in each

neither is right or wrong, they just ARE

universe says: baby bird, we gotchu 🤝🐦❤ keep diving

thanks to @thatmattsmith for collaborating on this piece and putting a final image to this year

[these are my concrete and up-in-the-air lessons from 2021, thought I'd let you all see where my head has been at 😝]
