love letter to a room: it sounds insane, I know, so stick with me
This room has been there through important passages in my life. It has brought stability, strength, and place when I needed safety to rest in to-- when I needed to connect to something deeper within myself
I have met many Monicas in this room
I have been a little puppy curled up at the feet of the Ancient Ones in this room. I have felt their deep satisfaction. Their exhaling "ahhhhhh yessssss", a sound that vibrates the world. A knowing that the work we do in this room is the good work
I have seen visions of my life in Ancient Egypt as a gatekeeper to deeper realms in time and space-- the magic of that realm was shown to me in this room. In deep meditation I saw the doorway open. I saw my role. I saw where in my life I am still playing shepherd
I have embodied mucus in this room. I took on the stretchy-ness of karmic debris. A huge loogie that sticks to my lifetimes and links them all together through old patterns that stretch back. Ones that I refuse to dry up
The things that have been coaxed-ripped-sung-sucked-rattled out of me in this room have lead to the most transformational shifts of my life
The Angels and Animals, the Demons and Dieties, the Grandmothers and Grandfathers who have all acted as witness to my shedding 🙏 holy shit I see you
I found myself in deep gratitude about this room's four walls, ceiling, and floor yesterday. The intense grounding this room provides me allows work I would NEVER/could NEVER imagine
Yesterday working with my mentor and wise wizard @brett.bevell brought me to a new place in my journey with this room
The shamanic dreamwork we did shifted every single one of us in profound ways. We held each other with reverence. We played in each others dreams. We trusted the messages that came through. We chose to heal ourselves and therefore we healed each other
I felt changed by the honesty in the eyes I met-- a spirit connection that I deeply miss being a mom who's life is baking and baby
I was left knowing that this room is here to bring all of us together to transform everything 🔥🔥 And to the steward of the space, I love you. Thank you for providing