🤲🌈 the entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well in Puerto Rico 🤲🌈 guys selling newspapers and bottled water on the side of the road; abuelas selling their pastries on the beach; a guy who was carrying his piano and selling songs to fund college; the hilltop restaurants attached to family homes that are open with live music, food, and drinks just on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (when it works for them!)
Being among all that vision and drive--- and in the most straightforward and honest of ways: THERE IS A NEED--- put so many things about business into perspective
Maybe this is all too much to share on our IG 🤷♀️ but whatever, you guys have been with me on this ride for 7 years and taking in HB magic every week
Food (and fucking life!) is so intimate. Thinking that we have to separate the person from the profession, to make it more palatable, is ridiculous. We need more sharing. More reflections of REAL reality
I've been in a place of deep contraction for a while.
I haven't asked the whys and hows of it all, I'm just sitting in it and letting it take shape. Somehow trusting that it will all emerge as something that I can actually work with
I do know that so much of the contraction has to do with settling into being a mother and mothering
The figuring out of what works brings me to a place deep within myself where everything gets questioned. And, if I'm being honest, thinking about the business as my baby has been bringing me there too
I'm really trying to understand what is working, what isn't working, what is actually good for me, and what is actually good for my family
This time last year, someone told me to figure out the foundation for my life and build the business on top that. The business can pivot and readjust, but the foundation will always be what you can come back to for stability
This year has been that. Figuring out my foundation
So seeing something in myself that I see in these people--- maybe the scrappiness and dedication it takes to reach out to others WHILE pulling yourself up?--- hit me hard.
It's undefinable right now, but the spirit of it is definitely sitting in my heart (just waiting to take shape 🇵🇷🌈🐎⛰)