embrace your spiritual lineage, find your ritual objects, see the light and shadow of it all
Brandon and I spent a few hours at the Met yesterday after Comic Con. We specifically went to see the "Cosmic Buddhas of the Himalayas" exhibit and the Oceania and Americas wing.
All of these relics have a life and energy-- a past, a present, and a future. Even behind these hermetic boxes. Even eons from their original creators and their homelands. Even beyond these bounds, you can feel their pulse.
Every single time I go to a museum I imagine the history behind these objects-- it might be fanciful daydreams but there is potency and reason to it. It brings me closer to understanding my spiritual lineage. These are totems and idols I know. They come to life.
I can hear their songs. I can see the prayers and mantras done in their honor. I can see the people who worked with them. These are all objects of worship meant to bring us closer to source; closer to the reason for this all 🌌
The concept of masking and unmasking stayed with me yesterday after leaving Comic Con. In the spiritual community we are taught that to get to our authentic self we need to remove the masks we wear-- we need to be naked to be seen; to be more real.
Masking serves a purpose. It's a biological function: part survival, part play, part prayer. Being human and navigating our culture is far too complex a task to be unmasked at all times. Just be conscious of the show you're putting on. See which character you're playing, which energy your calling up for a specific purpose, whether you're standing in light or in dark. Our energetic masks are close to Source/Spirit/God. There are whole museums devoted to the skins and personalities we have donned over the years. It is our original ceremony. It is our original possession. It is who we are and we are meant to reclaim it.
cosmic buddha exhibition at the met in 2017