😭😭 we have the best customers in the world!
if you would have told me that every week I would be hearing stories about the intimate and vulnerable details of people's lives and their journey toward healing themselves, I wouldn't believe you
if you would have told me that WE would be a mile-marker and touch-stone along their path, I wouldn't believe you
if you would have told me that our art would inspire others to be bold and creative and in service of others, I wouldn't believe you
but here we are, 8 years in and I'm still astounded at the rewards this business has brought forth
so much more than the livelihood
after Callum died I decided that EVERYTHING in my life was up for review-- it alllllll went on the chopping block
if it wasn't aligned, it was gone
I was okay stepping into cutthroat times because life felt so open and raw and I knew I was not willing to sacrifice myself to keep things around that didn't make sense
My time HERE is precious
I knew what that meant for Happy Belly
So I threw the question out to the Universe and waited for an answer
Like a phone call coming through, I heard someone on the other line tell me that I've been doing this all wrong
I was seeing myself too small
I was seeing the business too small
I heard their mantras: the yin and yang of it all, the impressions and the relief, the forever balance of building up and breaking down
"Your life's work is your worklife"
"Your worklife is your life's work"
I still have to remind myself when I'm in darkness that what I do matters, but the resurfacing from those depths is much easier
No iron lung needed
So for the lovely human who made this for us... I needed this. It's MY touchstone right now
This is my reminder that we're doing good each day and doing more-- mistakes and successes, a full embrace of the ALL that we are
Thank you sweet friend, let us feed you forever ❤❤🌅🌅🔥🔥